Pickled Pork Hocks Recipe

Pickled Pork Hocks or pigs Feet. Try this Pickled Pork Hocks/pigs Feet recipe:

3 lb fresh pork hocks; Or more
3 c Water
1/2 ts Allspice
Few peppercorns
3 c White vinegar
2 Onions; quartered
4 ts Salt
6 Cloves
2 Bay Leaves
1 tb Sugar


Wash the hocks/feet and fit into a deep Dutch oven. Cover with water and vinegar. Bring to a boil and skim. Add onions, cloves, allspice, bay leaves, salt, peppercorns and sugar. Cover and simmer until meat is tender about 3 hours. Cool in the liquid then lift hocks/feet into a wide-mouthed jar and pour enough of the liquid over them to cover. Keep chilled in the refrigerator

*Hock is a small cut of meat from a front or hind leg just above the foot; ham hocks.

Pickled Pork Hocks Recipe
Pickled Pork Hocks Recipe