Pork Chomps

Pork chomps are a dog chew. pork chomps

What are Pork Chomps?

Pork Chomps are the “World’s Most Perfect Dog Chew!” Pork Chomps are a 100% rawhide-free dog chew made from pork skin and use a patented process removing 70% of the pork’s fat which creates a low-fat, cleaner and healthier dog chew! Dogs don’t just chew Pork Chomps, they eat them up! This makes Pork Chomps dog chews mess-free and odor-free! Pork Chomps are safe to give to weaned puppies and help to satisfy your dog’s innate desire to chew.  Pork Chomps are excellent for cleaning your dogs teeth too! Pork Chomps are a baked chew that are preferred 9 to 1 over beef rawhide. Pork skin has a natural flavor that is highly appealing to your dog in it’s purest baked form, even so we all like variety! You can find Pork Chomps available in both Premium and Traditional packaging as well as a variety of flavors and shapes

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Pork Chomps
Pork Chomps
 Pork Chomps- Pork Chomps Are 100% Rawhide Free
Dogs love rawhide, but popular material for chew toys can cause choking and digestive problems. Pork Chomps offer a safer alternative that gives dogs something tasty to chew on, with easier digestibility.